International Training and Fieldwork Award

This award aims to give parasitologists at an early stage in their careers (PhD students or recent graduates) the opportunity to undertake international fieldwork or to visit overseas institutions.
Applications are now being accepted. Up until 2015, IFTAs were assessed via two annual deadlines in Feburary and August but to increase the flexibility of these awards, we are now accepting applications on a 'rolling' basis for assessment at each meeting of the BSP council.
Several International awards will be available each year, but Council will only make an award when an application of great merit is received.
The intention of the Award scheme is to broaden the horizons of laboratory-based workers, by providing funds to allow travel in pursuit of their academic interests in parasitology, especially those who would not necessarily otherwise be able to gain international field and/or laboratory experience/tuition. Applications consistent with this intention are particularly encouraged.
Applicants should be PhD students or should have recently (within the last 2 years) completed their PhD. Applicants should be BSP members at the time of application (awardees must have been a member of the society for at least 6 months at the time of application). The Society will provide support of up to £1,500 which should cover the costs of travel and subsistence for not less than two weeks. Successful applicants will be expected to provide a report on their trip/visit for publication on the BSP website and that the support is acknowledged in any publications derived from the field work?.
Some previous reports are found here: Sabrina Lamour, Ciaran McCoy, Tapan Bhattacharyya, Rebecca Jones, Melanie Clerc, Luis_Hernandez and Seke Kayuni.
Applications for The International award should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer by the given deadlines. Council will consider applications at the next appropriate meeting and applicants will be notified of the outcome within two weeks of the council meeting.
Applicants should include:
- Completion of the relevant application form: download form
- A CV of the applicant (on a single A4 page)
The applicant will also need to demonstrate that all appropriate formalities (e.g. Government clearance, health certificates) can be completed to allow the visit to go ahead. If clinical activities are planned ethical clearance must be obtained before making the application.
Disclaimer: The Award is made on the express condition that, save only as may be required by applicable law, the Society is not under any legal liability whatsoever that may arise from act or omission by the recipient or any third party.