TrypsClub Journal Club 2, April 2nd, 2 pm (GMT)
BSP members are invited to register for the first BSP supported TrypsClub meeting 2!Tissue spaces are reservoirs of
antigenic diversity for Trypanosoma brucei
Beaver et al. Nature (2024)
VEuPathDB call

Dear Colleague,
As you know, the Eukaryotic Pathogen, Host & Vector Bioinformatics Resource Center ( – including FungiDB, VectorBase, PlasmoDB, TriTrypDB, ToxoDB, and other parasitology databases) is looking to establish a sustainability model enabling us to continue providing services to support your research program. Input from community meetings, a user survey, and individual communications have guided our approach. We are pleased to announce that our open-access subscription service is now available at: ensure Open Access, it is imperative that all Principal Investigators / Lab Heads / Group Leaders determine their subscription level and complete an invoice form using the subscription link above. We appreciate that subscription fees for access to VEuPathDB have not been part of your budget to date, making it difficult to mobilize funds. We are working with various funding agencies and philanthropic groups that have helped keep VEuPathDB online for the past six months, and are optimistic that additional support will be available … but there is no realistic world in which database resources will continue to exist unless the users of these resources contribute a substantial portion of the budget.The need is real and imminent: absent significant user commitments before June 2025, VEuPathDB will lose the staff necessary to keep this resource alive, and it will not be possible to resurrect it in the future. If VEuPathDB is an essential tool for your group, your subscription is needed now.Please register for a Zoom community meeting on Thursday, 20 March 2025, at 11 AM US Eastern time to ask any questions that may arise and see a live demonstration of the subscription process. Please also feel free to forward this email to other PIs. You are also welcome to contact us with any questions subscriptions@veupathdb.orgSincerely,The VEuPathDB Team
Join your BSP Council!

The Council of the British Society for Parasitology seeks new members due to current members reaching the end of their term. Applicants from all career stages of our community are welcomed. We are a diverse and multicultural society, dedicated to inclusion and seek a council whose composition represents our membership. As such, we particularly welcome applications from those sections of our membership that are currently under-represented on council.
Please contact the Honorary General Secretary Martin Llewellyn if you are interested in applying.