Resources and Education

The BSP members are keen to make the fascinating world of parasitology accessible to all, and to communicate with each other about the latest findings. This section brings together useful resources for those involved in researching or teaching the subject. We have tried to capture a range of resources, if you think there is anything we could add please let us know.


TrypsClub meeting, February 21, 2025

TrypsClub Journal Club Registration

21st February  


Free Online, 2pm (UK time)



We are pleased to invite you to the first BSP supported TrypsClub meeting! 

21st February online, 2pm (UK time)


Our aim is to bring together researchers working with trypanosomatid parasites, discuss recent publications and get to know our international community of researchers, in an open and encouraging environment. 

These meetings are aimed at PhD students, research assistants, technicians, postdocs and junior fellows, sorry PIs! 


Our first online meeting will discuss.. 

"A panel of recombinant Leishmania donovani cell surface and secreted proteins identifies LdBPK_323600.1 as a serological marker of symptomatic infection"

By, Adam J. Roberts, Han Boon Ong, Simon Clare, Cordelia Brandt, Katherine Harcourt, Yegnasew Takele, Prakash Ghosh, Angela Toepp, Max Waugh, Daniel Matano, Anna Färnert, Emily Adams, Javier Moreno, Margaret Mbuchi, Christine Petersen, Dinesh Mondal, Pascale Kropf, Gavin J. Wright


5-minute introduction into TrypsClub

10-minute introductory presentation on the paper, kindly given this time by Leon Walther (University of York)

35-minute analysis of figures and group discussion.

10-minute Q&A session with the first author, who will answer questions from the audience.

· Optional: Feedback round + networking


Sign up here -

The Microbiology in Schools Advisory Committee MiSAC – Promoting microbiology in schools since 1969

MiSAC Information Flyer
The purpose of the Microbiology in Schools Advisory Committee (MiSAC) is to promote the teaching of microbiology in schools and colleges.

Founded in 1969, it consists of experts who work voluntarily as representatives of the wide range of educational and scientific organisations that sponsor its activities.

MiSAC develops and publishes new ideas for the educational use of microorganisms, including practical activities, answers queries, gives talks, contributes to training courses, interacts with examination boards, science suppliers, publishers and industry, and is a recognised authority on the safe use of microorganisms.

The popular MiSAC annual competition, supported by sponsorship from professional organisations and industry, is closely linked to the National Curriculum.

MiSAC has charitable status.

Bug Bitten Blog

The Bugbitten blog features weekly posts on topical literature and issues in the parasitology world.  Bugbitten is the blog of the journal Parasites and Vectors, and is edited by ex-BSP president Prof Hilary Hurd.

Parasitology (Cambridge University Press)

Parasitology is an important specialist journal covering the latest advances in the subject. Papers from the journal and parasitology blogs are available here:

Public engagement

This page covers educational resources, factsheets and websites to help parasitology reach a wider audience:

Abstracts from past BSP meetings

Here you will find the abstracts from our annual Spring and Autumn meetings

Useful links

This page has links to the top resources and websites, including the websites of other parasitology societies around the world

Zoom about Parasitic Worms Seminar (ZaP Worms)

Join a monthly international scientific seminar series about parasitic worms!

Half hour presentation followed by 15 minutes question and answer.

When: Second Thursday of every month starting 12 noon Eastern Time (USA)

Zoom, Passcode: 030292


Global Parasitology Seminars

Formerly known as the Parasitology Seminar Series, our Global Parasitology Seminars are offered by Penn Vet's Department of Pathobiology. Seminars are held throughout the year, featuring national and international experts in parasitology as well as molecular biology and immunology.

Neglected Tropical Diseases Lecture Series: Curated by David Molyneux

This lecture series provides a unique, up to date, and authoritative overview of Neglected Tropical Diseases in both the individual diseases and the cross cutting issues, such as Water and Sanitation and community roles, for the teaching and benefit of researchers, students, and staff in pharmaceutical companies, research institutions, and development organisations.

The lecture series can be accessed free of charge on this link

The BSP Spring Meeting is one of the biggest events in our calendar. Over a three-day period, a diverse range of speakers from all around the world both educate and entertain in over 100 talks and workshops.

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