Meeting Travel Awards

These awards give financial support to student members of the Society, to facilitate their participation at the Society's annual Spring meeting and Autumn symposium.
Student travel awards are available for the annual Spring Meeting (up to £200) and the Autumn Symposium (up to £100). They will be awarded on a first come, first-served basis. Please note the terms and conditions of the award below and forward completed application forms to the Honorary Treasurer Prof. Poppy Lamberton, Professor of Global Health, University of Glasgow (
The following rules apply to these awards:
1. Applicants must be members of the BSP at the time of application. For first year students, an application to join the BSP must be submitted before or when applying for support.
2. Support is provided to Post-graduate students (Master’s and PhD) and to students who have completed their studies but are currently writing up their theses. No support can be provided to postdoctoral fellows, salaried researchers or undergraduate students.
3. Each application form requires a statement of support from the student's supervisor.
4. The applicant must be presenting a poster or oral presentation at the meeting.
5. The financial support of the BSP should be acknowledged in any talk or poster presentation made by the student at the meeting. Council considers this to be important because this allows BSP membership to see how Society funds are being used.
6. Awards of up £200 will be provided to each UK applicant (Post-graduate students (Master’s and PhD)) for each Spring Meeting and £100 for each Autumn Symposium.
7. A maximum of £600 will be provided to each PhD student during the course of their PhD under this scheme. In certain circumstances i.e. for an international PhD student attending a BSP meeting once during the course of their PhD, the amount awarded is flexible, up to a total of £600.
8. Applications should be made on the form below and should be sent BY E-MAIL to the Hon. Treasurer at (
9. Students will be informed of the outcome of their award application prior to the start of the meeting.
10. Payments are made to students who attended the meeting via Bank transfer after the meeting. Please ensure you fill in the correct bank details for UK and non-UK nationals.
NB: Membership enquiries should be sent to the BSP secretariat ( and not to the Hon. Treasurer.