
Anyone with an interest in parasitology can apply to become a member of the Society. We welcome applications from the UK and abroad.


Joining the BSP gives parasitologists a number of important benefits:

  • Discounted registration fees at all BSP events
  • Networking and support from other parasitologists
  • Eligibility for travel grants and other awards
  • Regular e-communications and News digests
  • Discounts on personal subscriptions to specific scientific journals and books
  • Discounts on membership, events and benefits from the Royal Society of Biology, of which the BSP is a member (see details here)

To apply to join the British Society for Parasitology, click: Sign Up / Login

You can choose to pay your subscription by direct debit (our preferred method), bank transfer or paypal below.

Overseas applicants without access to UK, direct debit or Paypal,  should send the above form to with a note that this is for membership application, quoting your new membership number.  

Applicants from countries defined as low and middle income do not pay the membership subscription but do gain the benefits of membership.

Any payment by bank transfer should use your Membership number at the start of any reference number for this payment so that we are able to connect this payment to your membership.  Failure to do this may result in us being unable to confirm your membership.

Applications are presented to the council three times a year in November, January and April. Each applicant will be issued with a provisional membership number which will become active on approval by the council and receipt of membership subscription fees. However you will be able to book for meetings before this confirmation at member rates.

Subscriptions are collected once a year.

Current Fees:

Ordinary Membership £75.00

Student, Unwaged and Retired £25.00

Low and middle income country applicants: Free

Slower Renewals

You can renew your membership here rather than using the new membership system but this will be slower as it requires human intervention.  If you prefer this method email to let us know you have used this.

Please enter your membership number and click the button to renew your membership by Direct Debit. This is our preferred method as it costs the society less to process.

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