BSP President's Medal
A new opportunity to recognise outstanding early career researchers
2019 marked the introduction of a new award from the British Society of Parasitology. Named the “President’s Medal”, this award is intended to recognise an outstanding early career member.
The President’s Medal recognises the impact of research carried out by a member of the Society who will have no more than six years of postdoctoral research experience following the award of their PhD (note allowances will be made for career breaks or part-time working). This award will recognise members who will have produced international quality research outputs and/or have delivered tangible impacts to the field, and be able to demonstrate ambitions consistent with the potential to achieve a world-leading status within our research community.
Nominations for the President’s Medal

Nominations are now open for the 2023 award.
Candidates for the British Society of Parasitology President’s Medal will be nominated by at least one other member of the Society. The nomination letter (a maximum of two sides) will clearly outline how their nominee meets the criteria of (i) research excellence (research outputs and/or evidence of high standing amongst their peers), (ii) length of their postdoctoral career is within the six years term limit and (iii) the nominees potential to continue to excel and achieve a world-ranking research status. This letter will be accompanied by a CV provided by the nominee to indicate their acceptance of the nomination going forward. These should be submitted by email to the Hon General Secretary by 11th January 2023.
The nomination letters and CV will be considered by the BSP Council at the first meeting of each calendar year. All documents dealing with the unsuccessful candidates will be destroyed by the Hon. General Secretary immediately after the relevant Council meeting and no record will be kept in the Society's archives other than the name and papers of the successful candidate.
The Council reserves the following rights:
- Not to make an award in a particular year
- To make two awards if is unable to resolve a tie or if it is unreasonable to exclude one of the tied individuals
Awardees will receive their engraved medal at the BSP Spring Meeting of the same year, where they will deliver their British Society of Parasitology President’s Medal lecture.