C.A. Wright Memorial Medal
The CA Wright medal has been given annually since 1985 to a member of the BSP to recognise their outstanding contribution to the discipline of parasitology. The recipient is a scientist in mid-career who, it is considered, will confirm their already outstanding achievements to become a truly distinguished future leader of their field.
This sentiment is in keeping with the encouragement of younger parasitologists by Chris Wright, Director of the Experimental Taxonomy Unit at the Natural History Museum, London, UK and the Society's President at the time of his untimely death in 1983, and in whose memory a commemorative medal was instigated.
Nominations for the CA Wright Medal
Nominations are now open for the 2021 award.
The nomination procedure for the CA Wright medal has been simplified. Nominations must be made in writing to the Hon General Secretary (Prof Martin Llewellyn, hongensec@bsp.uk.net), presenting a case for the awarding of the medal. The deadline for nominations for the 2023 medal is 12th January 2023.
Nominations are invited from members of BSP for this award for which the following conditions apply:
- The medal is awarded for contributions to the discipline of parasitology in the broadest sense
- Each nomination is made by a proposer who must be a bona fide paid-up member of BSP
- All currently serving officers and members of Council are excluded from acting as proposers for candidates
- No currently serving officers or members of Council may be nominated as candidates
- Nominations must be made in writing to the Hon General Secretary, presenting a case for the awarding of the medal to the nominee
- Candidates must be fully paid-up members of BSP of not less than three year's standing
Following receipt of nominations, candidates will be contacted by the Hon. Gen. Secretary, requesting confirmation that they meet the eligibility requirements, and that they wish to be considered for the Medal. If so, they will then be considered by the BSP Council at the first meeting of each calendar year.
All documents dealing with the unsuccessful candidates will be destroyed by the Hon. General Secretary immediately after the relevant Council meeting and no record will be kept in the Society's archives other than the name and papers of the successful candidate.
The Council reserves the following rights:
- Not to make an award in a particular year
- To make two awards if is unable to resolve a tie or if it is unreasonable to exclude one of the tied individuals
The C.A. Wright medallist will be presented with their medal by the President at the AGM.
C.A. Wright Medal Award Winners
2023 Dr. Susan Wyllie
2022 Prof Alvaro Acosta Serrano
2021 Prof Matthew Higgins
2020 Prof Sarah Reece
2019 Prof Russell Stothard
2018 Dr Annette MacLeod
2017 Dr Matthew Berriman
2016 Prof David Horn
2015 Dr Julian Rayner
2014 Prof Michael Barrett and Prof Alex Rowe
2013 Prof Mark Viney
2012 Prof Mark Taylor
2011 Prof Simon Brooker
2010 Prof Mark Field
2009 Dr Tim Littlewood
2008 Prof Keith Matthews
2007 Prof Jeremy Mottram
2006 Prof Mike Ferguson
2005 Dr Joanne Webster
2004 Prof A G Maule
2003 Prof P S Craig
2002 Prof M Woolhouse
2001 Prof R C Grencis
2000 Prof M W Kennedy
1999 Prof J D Barry
1998 Prof R Maizels
1997 Prof A Bianco
1996 Prof A Fairlamb
1995 Dr D Rollinson
1994 Prof J Blackwell
1993 Dr C Facer & Dr A E Keymer
1992 Dr D Bundy
1991 Prof A Tait
1990 Dr V R Southgate
1989 Prof D H Molyneaux
1988 Dr D J McLaren
1987 Prof D Wakelin
1986 Prof R M Anderson FRS
1985 Prof J Barrett