Council Members

The BSP Council is responsible for the general affairs of the Society.

There are six Council Officers and up to eight Ordinary Council Members.  Postgraduate students are represented on council by student representatives and we have also recently introduced Early Career representatives.

Ordinary Members of the BSP Council are elected by the membership and stand for three years.Council Officers are proposed by the BSP Council and their election ratified by the membership at the AGM. The President and Vice-president serve for two years, and the other Officers for three years.

Any BSP member can stand for election to Council. Please contact the Hon Gen Sec if you are interested.

Prof Joanne Hamilton

Prof Joanne Hamilton

President (2023-)

Professor of Parasitology, Aberystwyth University

Contact: Via Email

Prof Helen Price

Prof Helen Price

Vice-President (2023-)

Professor of Parasitology, Keele University

Contact: Via Email

Prof Martin Llewellyn

Prof Martin Llewellyn

Hon General Secretary (2023-)

Professor of Molecular Ecology, University of Glasgow

Contact: Via Email
Prof Poppy Lamberton

Prof Poppy Lamberton

Hon Treasurer (2022-)

Professor in Parasitology, University of Glasgow

Contact: Via Email

Dr Pegine Walrad

Dr Pegine Walrad

Communication Secretary (2021-)

BSP Liaison, Royal Society of Biology

Senior Lecturer, University of York

Contact: Via Email

Dr James LaCourse

Dr James LaCourse

Meetings Secretary (2020-)

Reader in Parasitology, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

Contact: Via Email

Dr Joanne Power

Dr Joanne Power

Media Secretary (2021-)

Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Glasgow

Contact: Via Email

Dr Dong Xia

Dr Dong Xia

Membership Secretary (2022-)

Senior Lecturer in Bioinformatics, Royal Veterinary College

Contact: Via Email

Dr Emma Briggs

Dr Emma Briggs

Early Career Representative (2022-)

President's Medal Winner, 2021

Sir Henry Wellcome Fellow, University of Edinburgh

Contact: Via Email

Dr Calvin Tiengwe

Dr Calvin Tiengwe

Society Liaison Secretary (2022-)

Wellcome Trust & Royal Society Sir Henry Dale Research Fellow, Imperial College London

Contact: Via Email

Dr Paul McCusker

Dr Paul McCusker

Sponsorship Secretary

Early Career Representative (2022-)

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Queen's University, Belfast

Contact: Via Email

Mr John Archer

Mr John Archer

Early Career Representative (2022-)

PhD candidate, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

Contact: Via Email

Dr Nicolas Pionnier

Dr Nicolas Pionnier

Ordinary Council member (2023-)

Lecturer in Immunology, Manchester Metropolitan University

Contact: Via Email
Prof Vyacheslav (Slava) Yurchenko

Prof Vyacheslav (Slava) Yurchenko

Ordinary Council member (2023-)

Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic

Contact: Via Email
Ms Sophia DonVito

Ms Sophia DonVito

Student Representative (2023-)

PhD Student, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Contact: Via Email

Ms Isobel Gabain

Ms Isobel Gabain

Student Representative (2023-)

PhD Student, Royal Veterinary College

Contact: Via Email

Ms Nada  Abdalrahman

Ms Nada Abdalrahman

Observer - UG/LMIC Representative (2023-)

BSc Student, University of Khartoum, Sudan

Contact: Via Email

Dr Justin Pachebat

Dr Justin Pachebat

Temp Hon Treasurer (2019-2022 & 2023+)

Senior Lecturer in Microbial Genomics, Aberystwyth University

Contact: Via Email

Emeritus Members

Prof Colin Sutherland

Prof Colin Sutherland

President (2018-2023)

Professor of Parasitology at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Dr Kevin Tyler

Dr Kevin Tyler

Hon General Secretary (2019-2023)

Associate Professor, University of East Anglia

Prof Derrick Robinson

Prof Derrick Robinson

Hon Education Secretary (2021-2023)

Professor at University of Bordeaux, France

Professor Robert Hirt

Professor Robert Hirt

Ordinary Council member (2018-2021)

Professor of Evolutionary Parasitology at Newcastle University

Dr Juan Quintana

Dr Juan Quintana

Early Career representative (2019-2022)

Postdoctoral Research Associate at University of Glasgow

Ms Gala Garrod

Ms Gala Garrod

Student Representative

PhD Student at Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

Ms Yasmine Kumordzi

Ms Yasmine Kumordzi

Student Representative

PhD student at Durham University

Mr Tom Pennance

Mr Tom Pennance

Student Representative

PhD Student at the Natural History Museum and Cardiff University

Dr Joaquin Prada

Dr Joaquin Prada

Early Career Research Member (2019-2022)

Lecturer in Veterinary Epidemiology at University of Surrey

Honorary Members

Prof Sir Roy Anderson

Prof Chris Arme

Dr John Baker

Dr Bill Bray

Prof Ann Bishop FRS

Prof. Anthony Butterworth FRS

Prof Liz Canning

Prof Andre Capron

Prof Mark Carrington 

Dr Les Chappell

Prof Christine Clayton 

Prof S. Cohen CBE FRS

Prof Francis  Cox

Prof Simon Croft

Prof Michael Doenhoff

Dr Christine Facer

Prof Sir Michael Ferguson 

Prof P. C. C. Garnham CMG FRS

Dr Len Goodwin,CMG,FRS

Prof Brian Greenwood

Prof Paul Hagan

Prof David William Halton

Dr F. Hawking

Prof Janet Hemingway

Dr Rachel  Henderson

Mrs Sally Hirst

Dr C. A. Hoare FRS

Dr John Holmes

Prof Adrian Hopkins

Dr C. H. S. Horton-Smith

Dr J. G. Howard FRS

Prof Hilary Hurd

Prof W. M. Hutchinson

Dr Leonard Percy Joyner

Dr Bob Kabata

Prof D. Keilin FRS

Dr B. Kendall

Prof Clive Kennedy

Prof W. E. Kershaw CMGS VRD

Prof Ralph Lainson, FRS

Prof Donald Lee

Prof R. T. Leiper FRS

Prof John Lewis

Prof Jack Llewellyn

Prof Peter Long

Dr Ade Lucas

Prof L. Margolis

Prof Sir Robert May, FRS

Sir Ian McGregor, CBE, FRS

Dr Diane McLaren

Prof David Molyneux

Dr Ralph Muller

Prof George Nelson

Dr Bruce Newton

Dame Bridget Ogilvie FRS

Dr Charlie Parr

Prof B. G. Peters

Prof Wallace Peters

Prof Stephen Phillips

Prof F. G. Rees FRS

Dr M. Robertson FRS

Dr David Rollinson

Dr Elaine Rose

Dame Miriam Rothschild, FRS

Prof Debbie F. Smith, PhD, OBE, FRSB

Prof J. D. Smyth FASP

Lord Lawson Soulsby

Prof J. F. A. Sprent

Dr O. D. Standen

Prof Geoff Targett

Dr P. Tate

Dr A. E. R. Taylor

Dr E. L. Taylor

Prof R. J. Terry

Prof Lawrence Threadgold

Prof Bill Trager

Prof G. H. Urquhart

Prof Jozef Vercruysse

Prof Keith Vickerman, FRS

Prof Derek Wakelin

Prof Peter Wenk

Prof Diana Williams

Prof Haffy Williams

Dr J. Williamson

Dr S. Willmott

Mrs Pam Wright

Past Presidents

Institute of Biology Parasitology Group

1957-58                Prof B G Peters

1958-60                Dr EL Taylor

1960-62                Dr Ann Bishop FRS

British Society for Parasitology

1962-64                Dr O D Standon

1964-66                Dr L G Goodwin CMG FRS

1966-68                Dr S B Kendall

1968-70                Dr H D Crofton

1970-72                Prof P C C Garnham CMG FRS

1972-74                Prof F G Rees FRS

1974-76                Prof W Peters

1976-78                Prof J D Smyth

1978-80                Prof D L Lee

1980-82                Dr B A Newton

1982-83                Dr C A Wright

1983-86                Dr L P Joyner

1986-88                Prof R J Terry

1988-90                Dr B M Ogilvie

1990-92                Prof C Arme

1992-94                Prof D H Molyneux

1994-96                Prof C Kennedy

1996-98                Dr C A Facer

1998-00                Prof D Wakelin

2000-02                Prof G A Targett

2002-04                Dr D Rollinson

2004-06                Prof H Hurd

2006-08                Prof J Barrett

2008-10                Prof G Coombs

2010-12                Prof J Bradley

2012-14                Prof S Croft

2014-16                Prof J Smith

2016-18                Prof M Taylor

2018-21                Prof M-G Basanez

2021-                    Prof C Sutherland

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